Daily Aries Horoscope November 30 (30/11)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

November 30


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 10/10

How do you want to be seen in certain others eyes? Thats a question that might be posed to you now by the cosmos as you start to question how youre viewed by others, possibly wondering if you have clout or gravitas that a particular role requires of you. Have a bit more faith in your credentials or experience youre offering. Youve earned your stripes in some way and dont need to be concerned that youre being viewed as inferior.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

Should you be taken seriously? Of course! Novemberbe though, you feel youre making an unfair demand of certain individuals and possibly one in particular. Before you decide on their behalf that youre lacking in skills, expertise, knowledge, whatever, focus instead on how willing they are to give you a chance. Given that chance, youll soon win them over. If you believe in yourself, then they will too.


summary aries weekly

Star 8/10

This week, thanks to a Mars/Pluto combination, its within your ability to conquer a long-standing fear. Expect to discover youre not as alone or unsupported as you might believe yourself to be. As you learn something valuable about yourself and experience a minor victory in some way, you could be encouraged to wonder what else might be possible. A brave step will be needed but its one youve been considering for some time. Allow coming events to help you to take it.


summary aries monthly

Star 9/10

We all love a good ol adrenaline surge, sometimes. Think of how many of us love rollercoasters or horror films. Theres something about a primeval need to prime ourselves that we derive pleasure from. Whilst the sky doesnt suggest youre in for a rollercoaster of a month or a terrifying one, it does imply you need to be on your guard in some way. Coming events could require you to adopt a defensive stance but only to ensure you bring about an outcome you need.


health aries daily

Star 7/10

You will probably be frustrated by all the "misfiring" that goes on due to the celestial atmosphere prevailing today. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about yourself and how you respond to frustration. One thing to notice is how the food you eat supports you or sabotages you under circumstances of frustration. Try to reduce your sugar intake and increase your intake of raw fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, drink plenty of water. With a healthy diet, what once frustrated you could become merely amusing.


health aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

Whith the celestial atmosphere today you are faced with balancing your emotional life to make things work in other areas of your life. The first thing you need to do is relax. Breathe in deeply and let yourself feel the healing energy inherent in purposeful breathing. Then look to see what is potentially threatening your overall sense of well-being. Just taking the time to notice your feelings will often allow balance to settle over you.


health aries weekly

Star 7/10

You might feel much more emotional than usual in reaction to events occurring around you. If you feel tired, lighten your schedule a bit and avoid making major decisions. You might need to take some extra vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system and guard against infections. Keep up with your exercise routine, too.


health aries monthly

Star 9/10

The focus at the start of the month is on detoxing and cleansing your system. This not only includes your body but also any emotions youve been retaining. A two-day juice and vegetable fast, as well as a retreat in which you can release pent-up feelings, could do you a world of good. Youll feel fresher and brighter inside and out. Mars, your personal planet, dances into Aquarius, which can funnel a lot of cosmic energy into your nervous system. You can help yourself by feeding your nerves with oily fish and B vitamins and channeling this energy by exercising daily.


love aries daily

Star 9/10

Love is very caring, deep, and exotic today. You have every opportunity to make a deep impression on that delicious person youve been watching from afar, and to touch their heart in that special way. But dont give them everything at once. Dally a while, let the game linger, and they may stay around even longer! It wont hurt to keep them waiting, and they will appreciate you even more.


love aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

Parties and gatherings of friends and families may provide the opportunity for you to meet someone rather special. However, your first encounter may be much more serious than you hoped or feel comfortable about. But though you may begin your relationship with a very thought-provoking, possibly disturbing conversation, where this eventually leads will certainly make you smile. So dont be put off in the meantime.


love aries weekly

Star 9/10

Do you feel like youre under a dating raincloud? Love isnt always fair, and sometimes you have to go through the bad in order to get to the good. A family member, friend, or co-worker puts some pressure on you to spill intimate details over the weekend, but you arent the type to kiss and tell. Its OK that the only proof of a fling exists in your memory.


love aries monthly

Star 7/10

The Moon spends time in blazing Sagittarius on November 1 and November 2, and your passion meter is off the charts. New flames ignite with someone new - or perhaps theyre still smoldering with an ex. Adventure and travel rule your love life. Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle on November 19, which brings the final chapter of any romantic fairy tales youve been telling yourself. Now that reality is here, whats your next move? Venus and Pluto meet for the last time in this year on November 25, allowing healing and transformation to take place. If you need closure, get it now.


career aries daily

Star 8/10

You are an important part of the greater whole. The work you do is significant - it makes a difference. Tension is likely to build today, but dont let it get you down. Look at the big picture and hang in there in spite of your adversaries. Be strong.


career aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

You are likely to get into an argument today over how a certain operation should be handled. There is no doubt that your pride will be threatened as a result of this quarrel. Be careful here. You are on dangerous turf. Dont make a fool of yourself.


career aries weekly

Star 7/10

It may not be noticeable in any obvious way, but this is the period when things begin to turn for the better. If you have employees, this is the time to improve their skills. Businesses and jobs tied to skilled trades or finance can find employees and other necessary resources. This period could bring a complaint. Listen carefully even if you change nothing. Proactive people will be your best allies. Their enthusiasm works in your favor.


career aries monthly

Star 9/10

Spend the first half of the month wrapping up a financial deal. If you work for yourself, youll get a handsome check. This money will not only cover your bills but also allow you to invest in your professional image. Upgrading your electronic devices or investing in a power suit will pay off handsomely. Have you been looking for a job? Youll get an impressive offer on or around November 14. Novembers closing days could send you on a business trip. This assignment comes at an inconvenient time, but it cant be helped. Stay positive and try making inroads with a potential client.



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