Daily Libra Horoscope January 24 (24/01)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

January 24


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 7/10

An option you feel is best to pursue might have unappealing qualities about it. It might be standing out from others and demanding more of your attention than easier, more appealing options and you might feel you have no choice other than to accept an inferior alternative. Of course, you do have a choice about whether or not you take easy or trickier options. Summon some strength and courage to take the least appealing option. Youll soon see why that was wise.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

Ah, the power of hindsight. With little difficulty, we can recall episodes in our past we wish wed handled or managed differently. Of course, at the time, we believed what we were doing was right or appropriate, given the circumstances. So, if it was right back then, why do we then feel we made a mistake? You are where you are due to decisions and actions made in the past. Dont chastise yourself for the way you dealt with a recent situation. It was right then and remains right now.


summary libra weekly

Star 8/10

Your rulers link with Jupiter in your sign brings with a helpful and timely boost to your confidence. As keen as you might be to get a particular plan off the ground or refocus your efforts in a certain way, be live to Jupiters tendency to cause us to do more than is necessary. You dont need to find a big, new solution. Giving effort toward one that has waited for your confidence to be boosted in the way it is will suffice and if you give it a chance to work, then it will.


summary libra monthly

Star 10/10

Venuss influence in your day-to-day work sector will boost commitment or contentment levels generally in the workplace. However, youll need to be careful around the time of the Full Moon in your career sector on the 12th as tension between you and a co-worker could escalate with little or no warning. This could also relate to a business partner or even a family member and it will likely be you who has to handle the issue sensitively and tactfully.


health libra daily

Star 7/10

Power can be beneficial in many forms. Natural power, stamina and endurance are traits common to many in leadership positions, be they on sports teams, in class rooms or corporations. The heavenly bodies are now exerting a power that is most beneficial when used on your health. This powerful energy will protect you from interruption and the distraction of competition, while keeping you focused and motivated on your chosen goal. Use it to your advantage!


health libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

You possess a great deal of endurance. At times this endurance lies dormant, fooling others into thinking that nothings doing when really an interior journey that will surprise everyone when it is revealed is in the works. Getting in touch with your strength and endurance is not altogether easy - making it work for you can be a tough process to master. Begin by actualizing yourself on the physical plane: what is your favorite martial art? This could be a helpful tool for you.


health libra weekly

Star 8/10

Be careful of the kinds of foods you eat while at work or socializing. You could add pounds without realizing it. It might help if you pack your own lunch for the office. You can control the calories that way. Be more aware of what youre eating if youre at a party. It will save you a lot of trouble later.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

If youve been despairing that youll ever reach your health goals, this months blend of energies can give you some helpful clues. With feisty Mars in this sector of your chart, the cosmos encourages you to adopt a can-do approach and visualize yourself accomplishing your goals. Make this a daily habit by immersing yourself in imagery that helps you turn your dreams into reality. You may then find it much easier to accomplish your plans. Also, it could be helpful to take a proactive stance that sees you questioning your ideas and being willing to adopt new approaches.


love libra daily

Star 8/10

You would benefit by taking some time today to negotiate issues that need resolving between you and your dearest one. It is no good talking at cross-purposes, or trying to bulldoze your way through to reach a specific outcome. You need to genuinely be able to listen, without becoming rude and arrogant, and then be able to speak honestly from the heart.


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The celestial configuration is helping you understand that you cant always have it the way you want. Most relationships are a question of give and take, and gradually you are seeing why you often overwhelm and intimidate others, with your natural assumption that you must be listened to and obeyed, almost immediately. Your love interests will remain loyal if you give them the freedom to choose their own response.


love libra weekly

Star 9/10

If you want to meet someone new, go somewhere new. The further from home you go in the beginning of the week, the better chance you have of finding your soul mate. You get a peek into someones private life later in the week and it might not be what you thought it was. Remember when you used to think that everyone else was so much luckier in love than you? Well, now you have concrete evidence to the contrary.


love libra monthly

Star 10/10

Romance takes center stage as Venus gets comfortable in dreamy Pisces on January 3, so dont be afraid to express your feelings creatively and often. Unrequited love happens, but not to you. Not now. Communicative Mercury enters practical Capricorn on January 12, making your words precise and to the point. Theres little chance of wasted words, but your flirting game could take a hit. The Sun enters receptive, quirky Aquarius on January 19, putting you in the mood to go with the flow. Sensual experiments are fun with a willing partner. Check inhibitions at the door and see where the night takes you.


career libra daily

Star 9/10

You can relate to the scatter-brained people and work together with them to create something great. You can focus in on the most important ideas and voice your opinion without hesitation. Dont hide in the background. Make your voice heard.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

You have a good handle on what is going on today, but realize that you arent fully tuned into EVERYTHING. Realize that there are still aspects that are unfamiliar to you. You are better off admitting this than pretending you know when you dont.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

Youll make important connections now. Good news about work and finances is on the way. This is a lucky period for seeking a new or better position. The changes youve been waiting for are in sight. You may see increased demand for your product or service. The cosmos could put you in line for a promotion or introducing innovative ideas. Logic and reason arent as important as developing pleasant relationships.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

Youll have to do some fast work to protect your reputation toward the middle of the month. Dont assume your employer will give you the benefit of the doubt when a mistake is discovered. Do your best to establish how the error occurred. Instead of pointing fingers, base your argument on a paper trail. That way nobody can accuse you of trying to pass the buck. As the end of the month approaches, youll be given an exciting assignment that allows you to show off your creativity. Working with a partner will be stimulating. The two of you make a dynamic duo.



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