Nuclear Winter First Strike: Post Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (Nuclear Winter Series Book 1)

Nuclear Winter First Strike: Post Apocalyptic Survival Thriller (Nuclear Winter Series Book 1)

Kindle Edition
09 Feb
Bobby Akart
Nuclear war may kill millions.
Nuclear Winter will kill billions.

International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night thrillers to readers in 245 countries and territories worldwide.

"Love the intensity of his stories, his thorough research, his creativity, the characterizations and the abundant action and realistic locations."

Every war begins with a first shot. The shot heard 'round the world at Lexington and Concord in 1775 birthed a nation. Less than a century later, cannons firing on Fort Sumter, South Carolina thrust that same nation into a civil war. The assassination of an obscure archduke sparked a chain of events leading to World War I. The dastardly bombing of Pearl Harbor led America into the Second World War.

"Bobby Akart is the master of nail biting, edge of your seat fiction based on fact."

Akart's new novel, Nuclear Winter First Strike, depicts a world on the edge of nuclear Armageddon. Will history repeat itself as warring nations take their battles to the highest level of destruction? Can America avoid being drawn into these conflicts beyond her borders?

Nuclear Armageddon hangs over us like a mighty sword and ordinary Americans will be caught in the crosshairs.

"From the first word read to the last page turned, I knew Bobby Akart had a brilliant, engaging, horrifying tale to be told."

This is more than the story of nuclear conflict. It's about the devastating effects wrought by Nuclear Winter. Our possible future is seen through the eyes of the Albright family whose roots stretch back to the early settlement of the Florida Keys.

Hank Albright, a widower and proprietor of the Driftwood Key Inn, is the epitome of the laid-back islander inhabiting the Keys. His brother, Mike, is a homicide detective for the Monroe County Sheriff's department. Along with his wife Jessica, a paramedic and member of the Sheriff's department water emergency team, they become involved in the investigation of a sadistic serial killer.

Hank's son, Peter Albright, is a Washington, DC reporter covering the State Department. He's unknowingly thrust into the middle of the conflict in the Middle East. Upon his return home, he begins to unravel a conspiracy leading to an unexpected dynamic between the President, the Secretary of State, and North Korea.

As the drumbeats of war beat louder, Hank's oldest child, Lacey McDowell, begins to sense the warning signs. Along with her husband, Owen, and teenage son, Tucker, she begins to prepare for a hasty exit from their San Francisco Bay Area home.

"Believable and relatable characters are developed in such a spell-binding way that you must keep turning the pages."

Will America become embroiled in the nuclear conflict? Will the President cross the Rubicon, that point of no return after which lives and cities may be destroyed? For the Albrights, like their fellow Americans, their lives are about to change forever.

It was not our fight, but it became our problem.

"You are there. Feeling what they feel. Anger, joy, love, mourning. You feel it all. Not everyone can write a book like this. It takes a special writer to make you feel a book."

Bobby Akart has delivered intense, up-all-night thrillers that have you whispering just one more chapter until the end.

Reviews (160)

Let the nightmares begin!!!

In true Bobby Akart fashion, he is coming out of the gate of 2021 with a blockbuster of a story that is a nightmare inducing story! Bobby’s uncanny ability to take a topic of “what could happen” and write an epic story about it is short of preternatural! In this story we will follow the Albright family and how they prepare and handle the nuclear winter that we know is about to befall the world. This is an everyday family with normal lives as you and I as so many of Bobby’s characters are which I love. This gives so much realism to the stories and makes them feel like friends from the start. As the world watches as two countries try to annihilate each other after two previous countries had had a nuclear bomb fest, the POTUS watches with anticipation as he has his own agenda. The fallout of nuclear bombs exploding will impact the Earth in ways people can not imagine and can only look on with horror struck faces as the shtf! Come along on this epic journey that Bobby has written and together we may all survive if/when the inevitable happens! Thank you Bobby for the nightmares once again!

A Horrifying Scenario Becomes Reality

You know, when you stir up a hornet’s nest, you’re gonna get stung.” by Bobby Akart in Nuclear Winter ***** From the first word read to the last page turned, I knew Bobby Akart had a brilliant, engaging, horrifying tale to be told. He entwines the readers from the first page as he slowly introduces the Albright family, owners of a resort inn halfway down the Keys in Florida. Author Bobby Akart excels at allowing the reader to become part of the Albright family with members stretching from CA to DC to the Keys. We cringe and bite our nails as we watch how they react to the horror coming their way. The suspense, the behind the scenes machinations of governments, the evil unleashed, the world on an uncharted path are all woven into another excellent story. As the author writes “......words will just be words until you act on them.” The reality of nuclear disaster is just beginning! Well done, Bobby Akart.

Survival in a world gone mad!

Another nightmare of a story that is so close to reality you hold your breath waiting for the emergency radio to go off with a “This is not a test” message. As countries who are on the brink of nuclear warfare every day finally step in to the abyss, the world faces a future that will take decades to recover from. The story starts in the idyllic Florida Keys, where the Albright family has lived for years in quite solitude, running their Bed and Breakfast. The beautiful waters of the Atlantic and Gulf would lull any traveler into a restful and peaceful revere, but as with all Bobby Akart’s books The End Of The World As We Know It, lies just around the corner or in this case the crazy world of Middle East politics. While Pakistan and India march toward mutual destruction and Israel retaliates against Iran the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki dwarfs in comparison. The President of the United States sets back leading others to believe he is weak but North Korea is in his sights. Once the nuclear door is open and the genie is out of the bottle nothing can put him back. Like most people the Albright family can’t see how a war half a world away could affect them, but as Bobby is more than able to explain the true devastation that awaits mankind we realize that with or without new bombs our world is doomed. From the Florida Keys to D.C. and to California the family realize they must head back to Florida and the Keys if they want to survive, but family and duty may end up being the biggest obstacle to that getting to what is perceived as a safe harbor. As the darkness descends from the tons of debris soon to block out the sun drive the world into a devastating winter that could last for years, the fate of the world starts to dawn on the Albrights and on the reader. Bobby Akart still holds the title of the King of TEOTWAWKI as he again leaves us with the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers. Thanks again Bobby for another great book and what is shaping up to be the most exciting series yet.

Great BeginningTo A Great Series

I really like this story, I’m the type that likes nesting stories....people at a fairly secure location and some trying to get there. I call it nesting. Others will call it hunkering down, lol. One thing I don’t like in any series or story is the author portraying a sadist mind set. I don’t want to read and get into a bad guy or girls twisted, sadistic mind set. I realize authors do uses this because there are some out there that want that. I don’t. Thank you mr Akart for not delving into anyone twisted mind set.

3:17 am

Who you gonna trust? I wouldn’t trust that zombie they are calling President at 3pm, much less in the middle of the night. This is where we are headed, don’t kid yourself. Sorry to get political Bobby, but your book reviews are all I have left, after the FB purging. Please don’t keep us waiting too long for book 2. This is the fastest I’ve read any book. Akart is the man. Buy this book now.

The Characters In The Story Could Be You or I.

Unlike other books of this nature, the author does an excellent job of making the characters in the story believable and that it could be you are I in these circumstances. The story that is told is more turn than one wants to believe. With the turmoil between Iran and Isreal nuclear war is a true possibility. One I hope never shows its ugly face. The concept of a nuclear winter is new to me and needs some research on my part. Know that the author put a lot of time and effort into his research I'm anxiously awaiting the other books to see what that research has born out.

Slow start, big finish

I read just about everything this author writes. When he is going to have multiple books in a series, he takes the time to pack book one, at least, with A LOT of extraneous information. It’s not that it isn’t useful information, it just takes awhile to put it all in place. If you don’t have patience with it, take it in as useful information, you’ll miss a lot. Don’t be in too big a hurry to hurry the story along. I’m not going to rehash the story events as many reviewers do. The provided description by the author does a fine job outlining what you’ll be reading. If I could talk to Mr Akart, I would point out that his characters very often have advanced warning ( in this case, similar to the book of books, Alas, Babylon). Across his series, his characters very often have a place, a stash, money to buy last minute supplies and other prepped scenarios. It is a good literary device to alert the reader to how prepared you should be, but it’s getting too pat for me. I read it in this book series, that blog, and the well intentioned Pinterest list. What else? Have I read it all? Learned it all? We know the answer to that. So, what else, Mr Akart? What else is there? I’d either like to read about a hardened prepped group (in Idaho?)who springs to action at a moment’s notice ( not like The Brahmin series. That was over the top money wise) OR the complete novice who just has some seriously good survival skills and can MacGyver his way out of anything. Although, come to think of it, the LE Ranger from the Yellowstone series might have been that guy. I liked that series. I digress. I feel like I’ve read every scenario out there, but I’m still missing something. I am looking forward to the rest of the series. I will buy it. I will read it. If you are a fan of this genre, if you are looking for a new genre to try, if you want an intelligent take on current affairs (that don’t include the flu, masks or impeachment), if you like action novels, if you like intelligently written books, then you should read this. It’s even got the beginnings of a couple of possible romantic interludes. Oh, and thanks, Mr Akart, for your take on the faraday cage. That’s the design I favor after exhaustive and Advil inducing research. It makes me feel good about my decision that you concur. Highly recommend.

As Emeril used to say, BAM!!!! 😉

Wow, is all I have to say! The book keeps you on the edge of your seat and your heart pounding! It moves so fast, you lose track of time reading it! It’s scary because it can really happen!!!!

What a great post apocalyptic read!

I have read a lot of books in this genre of post apocalyptic fiction. There have been more than a few 'ho-hum' stories in those many books but, that is not the case here. I really, really enjoyed this book. (as of me writing this review I have finished book #2 in the series too). The quality of the writing, the excellent character development and storyline are captivating from the first chapter on. I grew up in SE Florida and had many visits to the Florida Keys in my dad's boat so, the places mentioned made me smile. Also, as if nuclear strikes and the aftermath are not enough, there is also a serial killer on the loose! Yikes! If you enjoy how people deal with TEOTWAWKI scenarios you are really going to enjoy this book. I can't recommend it enough.

Another winner from Mr. Akart!

Have read most of this author's prior works, none have disappointed. This latest offering is no exception. It was an exciting, engrossing page turner from start to finish. Although it did start a tiny bit slow, towards the end I was on the edge of my seat. It's a very reasonable, plausible scenario. It's also a quick read, only about 290 pages. So you won't have to pull an all-nighter to finish it. Already have Book 2 on pre-order, can't wait!

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