Daily Aries Horoscope December 21 (21/12)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

December 21


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 9/10

Worrying, we know, is a largely pointless exercise. There can be only one benefit to worrying and this usually surrounds worrying about a certain issue long enough to do something about it. Yet, even when we do take the right kind of decisive action, we can still find ourselves worrying if we dont achieve an instant, desired result. Where a concern in your world exists, you took the right kind of action some time ago. Proof of this is coming. Watch your worry dissipate.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

We request or demand proof in too many ways, sometimes. The idea of treating certain situations with open minds simply doesnt appeal or causes us to believe were at risk of making ourselves appear daft. Try not to close your mind in a particular way now. You might believe you need more hard evidence before agreeing to or accepting something but might you be delaying a process that would benefit you if you were a bit less stubborn or accommodating?


summary aries weekly

Star 10/10

Try not to take certain comments to heart this week. As keen as you might be to defend yourself or possibly your reputation, its important to consider the benefits of showing restraint and allowing a bit of time to work in your favor. A Mercury/Mars link could be instilling a false sense of urgency and whats needed on your part is a realistic assessment of how much effort you should give to something that probably doesnt need as much as fuel as youre inclined to give it!


summary aries monthly

Star 10/10

In some ways, the saying, its not what you say, its the way you say it that counts is relevant. Yet, with so much emphasis on communication during December, you cant rely on enthusiasm alone to convey your points. There needs to be substance to your message or whatever suggestions or proposals you find yourself embroiled in during coming weeks. You have more than one point that needs made and, during December, you can expect to be listened to.


health aries daily

Star 8/10

This is a good day for you in your close relationships. The energy is there to feel all the security you need, while at the same time acknowledging the reality that those closest to you may need a little space. Whatever you can do to help this kind of experience along is recommended: bring flowers home, take a deep breath when you dont have the words to express yourself, and wait to see what the other person has to say. This in itself can make you feel relaxed and well.


health aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Its not going to be an easy day to for you, especially if you skipped breakfast! Some protein with your next meal is recommended. You should give yourself the luxury of feeling grounded today, above all else. Accomplishing this is different for everybody, but its safe to say that you would be better off having dinner at home than at a restaurant, better off walking than traveling by car, and better off sleeping in your own bed than someone elses - though that doesnt necessarily mean sleeping alone!


health aries weekly

Star 7/10

Your urge to improve your quality of life and health is admirable. Use this added motivation to help you soar. Another factor that may help you feel more expansive is letting go of anything to which you cling too tightly. Hold lightly those things you cherish most. The cosmos encourages you to make a new start by reorganizing your kitchen.


health aries monthly

Star 7/10

Energy levels could be quite high for most of the month, until December 19. Youll have the necessary stamina to handle socializing and the extra activity around holiday preparations. Make the most of these weeks to tackle and finish major projects so you can enjoy an easier schedule the rest of the month. On December 19, your ruler Mars glides into Pisces and a more secluded sector of your chart. As a result, you may feel less like getting involved and more like taking time out to reflect and meditate. This chance to recharge could do you a world of good!


love aries daily

Star 7/10

With the current astral alignment, you will not be willing to put up with any form of restrictions involving your romantic life. If a love interest tries to inform you that you now belong to them for the rest of eternity, you will feel duty bound to let them know that you are and always will be a free person, and that no one will ever own you. Remember not to get too carried away - this can be done kindly!


love aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your current love interest may prove to be something of a puzzle today. If you, in your occasionally tactless manner, manage to upset them even further, you may find it extremely difficult to make any kind of contact over the next twenty-four hours. This is fine if youre not invested in the relationship, but if really do care about them, be careful!


love aries weekly

Star 7/10

Dont expect things to happen overnight. Youre impatient when it comes to love, but everyone works at their own pace. When you like someone you want everything to happen right now, but your patience in the beginning of the week will pay off in the long run. Other people have their own ideas about how your love life should be, but yours is the only opinion that truly counts. Trust your gut instincts.


love aries monthly

Star 9/10

Youre ready to get serious when Mercury enters practical Capricorn on December 2. As you shift into no-nonsense mode your texts and phone calls become more succinct. Anyone who cant take your directness should look elsewhere for romance. A fiery Sagittarius Sun trines Uranus on December 12, putting some pressure on you to change your game. If your old ways arent working, this is the perfect time to try something new. A Jupiter/Venus trine ushers in a more peaceful time for your love life on December 25. While love isnt effortless, it does get easier. The lighter the mood, the better the date.


career aries daily

Star 9/10

Conversations in the workplace today may be completely over your head. Dont pretend that you know what is going on if you do not. It is better to ask questions than to make believe that you understand when that is not necessarily the case.


career aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

You are indestructible today, so use this high-energy period to your advantage. You can accomplish a great deal by simply tuning into your wonderful confidence and exuberant personality. This is a great time to present a new plan or make a deal.


career aries weekly

Star 7/10

Anything youre already working on is going to go well. A slow, systematic approach is best. Keep your sense of humor close to the surface. This will help in any group situation. It will also make you more attractive if youre looking for work. The cosmos can bring a powerful time when you may again feel youre part of a revolution thats out of your control.


career aries monthly

Star 9/10

Midmonth, youll finish a report that will be well received. Your boss will appreciate the clear, concise manner in which you communicate. Dont be surprised when youre put in charge of a prestigious group on or around December 13. This will be your reward for doing an exceptional job with this assignment. You could get an impressive promotion as December draws to a close. Its possible a new title will be created just for you. Are you self-employed? Your final quarter may be so impressive that you will emerge as one of the most successful professionals in your field.



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