Daily Libra Horoscope July 31 (31/07)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

July 31


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 8/10

As any skilled manager will confirm, to get someone to do something to their best ability, its often helpful to plant an idea in a way that causes the person to believe it was their own. Thats a strategy you look set to adopt and doing so in a clever way will ensure something you need someone to do will be done in a more thorough and conscientious way than if you simply asked them to do it.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

You might be underestimating the calming influence you have in a group setting. Your way of dealing with others can help them to lower their defenses or become more cooperative in ways that benefit everyone involved. Others will also pick up on the genuine ways youre able to motivate. Youre not asking anyone to do anything youre not prepared to do yourself, and your approach means many hands will make lighter work of what needs doing.


summary libra weekly

Star 9/10

Youre being granted a helpful and timely glimpse into the future. Youre being allowed to see a brief snapshot of what a certain situation could be if youre prepared to trust the vision youre presented with. Of course, trusting it means taking sensible steps to turn it from being a vision into something real. However, what you see should be enough to help you find the motivation to do that. Allow yourself to be tantalized and intrigued by a possibility. Its being presented to you in the hope you will recognize its potential and seize it.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

Venus exerts a fantastic influence on anything associated with broadening the mind and anything connected with travel, publishing, media or broadcasting is superbly starred. Librans looking for love could find it with someone connected with overseas or who has a unique and intriguing background. A home or family matter raises its head around the Full Moon on the 9th and priority might need to be given to resolving a family-related issue. A new income stream or surprise bonus could remove any worries about finances. Be patient and see what transpires!


health libra daily

Star 10/10

You can finally lift up your head and celebrate life in all its forms. No one loves celebrations more than you do, because they are a way of breaking out of your daily rut and allowing yourself some fun and relaxing social time. However, you often play your emotions like a very close hand, and few people know how much your circle of friends really matters to you. For your own sake, throw a party. To help take the stress factor out, plan as far ahead as you wish.


health libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s planetary alignment is a marriage of feminine and masculine qualities. You are taking stock of your emotional cupboard: do you have what you need in your personal life? Are you OK with being alone? Do you feel you need more attention from others? These are confusing questions for some of you, who are accustomed to going without or making due with very little. It\s a lot easier to know what you need emotionally when you are in reasonably good physical shape.


health libra weekly

Star 7/10

Make this a time when home cooking enjoys a revival. Not only is it cheaper and more healthful than eating out but it\s also the best way to ensure that you control your intake of calories, fat, sugar, and additives. However, the cosmos will forgive you for going overboard. Everyone deserves a little treat now and then. If you\re going to eat that yummy dessert, at least enjoy it!


health libra monthly

Star 9/10

With Neptune now reversing, you could have key insights into your health and wellness that prove very useful. Neptune in its retrograde phase often brings greater clarity and understanding of a situation. In this case, you might be able to discern a deeper reason for any physical unease. Neptune is also a very ethereal and mystical planet, so you could easily pick up on other peoples feelings and even their pain, especially if youre very close to them. Staying grounded and getting plenty of exercise can offset this and help you feel more self-contained and energized.


love libra daily

Star 8/10

Life can be a strange affair, and speaking of which, your latest liaison may be going through a period of revival. If it is not, and you wish to bring to full flame a glowing ember, then what better day to be with them somewhere very wonderful, doing something special together. It will keep the fire burning brightly for some time to come, and soften the edges of your heart.


love libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Better late than sorry is the story of the day. There is so much happening that is very new and different that you could get swept away today. New meetings and new faces promise a lot, and seem to bode well for the future. They probably will be fine, but just don\t expect too much just yet. Wait until your new acquaintances prove themselves to be really solid.


love libra weekly

Star 7/10

You have great love-related advice at the start of the week. Even though you arent currently in a long-term relationship, you still have good stories and relatable experiences to share that can help those who are going through tough times. The weekend has you bouncing from one social event to the next, so you barely have time to miss having a significant other. In the rare quiet moments, try not to reflect too much on what might have been.


love libra monthly

Star 10/10

When Venus visits Gemini on July 4, your velvet tongue paves the way for many dating adventures. Smart is sexy, and youre looking intelligent as heck! Its hard to control your nervous energy during the Mars/Uranus square on July 17, so you may say or do uncharacteristically unrefined things on a first date. Its never too late to recover, but try not to let the awkwardness go too long without addressing it. A lingering but indescribable fear prevents you from moving forward during a Venus/Saturn opposition on July 24. If you cant pinpoint and remedy the problem, wait to act when youre feeling more confident.


career libra daily

Star 7/10

You are not in the best mood today and this is likely to make you less confident in the workplace. Be careful because there is danger here. Having TOO much trust in others makes you susceptible to faulty ideas. Ultimately, trust only yourself.


career libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

You are at a very significant point in your career. This is a good time to change directions, enter a new field of work, or get a new job. Don\t get stuck in the same routine month after month and year after year. This is your time to make a change.


career libra weekly

Star 7/10

Your ambition is strong now. This period is lucky for a creative or dramatic presentation. Do what you can to improve your skills. If you\re in the middle of a big project, take frequent breaks to stay alert. This period can bring you to a crossroads. Make important decisions with confidence. You can make points behind the scenes by helping superiors get their work done. Pay close attention to small details.


career libra monthly

Star 10/10

You could get a lot of emotional satisfaction from facing down a workplace bully on July 9. People often confuse your gracious manner for personal weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. By standing up for yourself, anyone who seeks to intimidate you will learn a valuable lesson. July 23 invites you to get involved with a professional organization. Joining it will expand your social network to include some glamorous people. Use these contacts to attract the kind of creative assignments you crave. Youve been blessed with artistic ability. Getting paid to exercise it will be the answer to a prayer.



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